August 19, 2012

being HAPPY,,,,, again :)

What do you do when you are feeling down? I used to just sit there and do nothing and keep thinking about the thing that made me feel that way.

Later in life, I realized that such behavior is actually one of the most useless ways to react emotionally to something that bothers you.

Firstly, because it doesn’t help you at all. Secondly because it focuses your conscious attention on what you don’t like in the first place. So what to do in such situations?

All the situations you face in your life can basically be divided into two broad categories. Situations you can do something about and situations you can’t do anything about.

What I am talking about here are the things over which you have no apparent control. If you are feeling down because of something that you can actually control at some level, then just stop reading and go do what you can do. No point sitting here feeling miserable when you have the reins in your own hands.


 Basically it states that your body and your mental states are interrelated. If you are thinking depressing thoughts your body will follow, go into a depression reflecting mode and similarly when you are feeling excited your body will reflect that happy and excited state of mind.


Indulge yourself into little things like cleaning your closet or organizing your inbox etc. What you do is not important but your getting involved in doing that is what is vital. Get really involved in whatever you choose to do and do it well.

If you are watering your plants, do it with all your attention. If you are cleaning your dishes, really make them shine. The point is to involve yourself in what you are doing to the point that your conscious thoughts are forced to attend to the task in hand rather than mulling over the bothersome incident and pushing you into a downward emotional spiral.


Listen to your favorite personal development speaker through his audio tapes. If audio is not your thing then watch some inspiring movie with a positive message.

If you are more of a reader, pick up a good book and start reading. If you’d rather listen to music, go for it. The only thing to remember here is that whatever the medium, the message needs to be empowering and positive.

 Start with smiling. Hey, I mean Right Now!

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