August 25, 2012


don't let mistakes ruin a friendship, put them behind you and move on, and let your friendship get stronger ;)

I get busy on a Friday schedule,,, juggling alternate classes from 7:30 am til 5 pm (teaching of course from Classical Ballet to Hip-hop then to Cheer Leading) . Even with the tiring classes, one friday stood to test a friendship that should have been long-gone fixed up, mended and should have moved-on with the pain that has caused them.

It is really hard when you get into a situation where you do not know who to blame unless you know the "REAL" thing. It was hard for me to judge at first but judging was out of the issue, it is merely and it should , be opening up, being honest and humble enough to commit your mistakes, and gain forgiveness with each other.

This is a true test of maturity in friendship, when you hinder on bowing down with your mistakes no amount closure between the two is going to happen at all, because one is still sufferring from grief and pain. In any relationship there will always be a TEST, there will always be that point where you maturity will be tested. You do not make another mistake as a form of revenge when both of you are hurting.

Put everything behind you, when you REALLY VALUE the relationship, the friendship, put everything else, the hurtful words, the painful past situation and MOVE ON TOGETHER to a new chapter. 

Nobody's perfect, no relationship is perfect, may it be marriage, friendship or working relationship that is why there will always be structures of trials to deal with, to test us. 

In the end, you value more each other, you learn to talk more and act more of what happened and growing together making you both grow stronger together.

And as for you, I am here and always will be here no matter what because I value, treasure and LOVE what we have and I know we still have.

August 24, 2012

What Every Woman Should Have

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who
lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't
take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year..." 

just to share :)

love as always :

“I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face,I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost

I was searching for relationship quotes (friendship) and I came across with this author of as Anita Bake:Vampire Hunter and amongst the other books. I get such pleasure out of seeing old lovebirds, and I observe closely to see what traits and behaviors might be the key to their relationship success.

 They keep up with the changes. When it comes to marriage, that can be risky. The most successful couples really take note of each other's changes. They do not assume their partner is the same person he or she was 20 years ago, even if there are many similarities. What's more, they take the time to learn their partner's goals, dreams and future plans. By keeping in touch with who their partner is at this moment — and looking ahead to who he might become — they secure a truly intimate relationship
 They know how to fight fairly. It's not that happy couples never argue. Most couples have disagreements. But in a mature relationship, power isn't defined by winning an argument or getting one's way. True power comes from knowing how to discuss differences fully and honestly. If you demean your partner when you disagree, and if, at the end of an argument, you do not feel stronger and more intimate than you did before you started — you are not building a stronger, more loving relationship. Successful couples know how to argue with class and dignity. They may disagree, but in the end, they end up understanding — and respecting — their differences.
 They find new ways to play. All the research on marital satisfaction shows that couples bond more closely when they do new, innovative activities — instead of getting stuck in the same rut they've been in for the past 25 years. Whether it is learning how to sculpt together, opening an inn, or simply helping each other create a healthier lifestyle, any kind of new, enjoyable pursuit can make a couple that feel younger and more in sync — and can invigorate their love.

August 22, 2012

Pray for those who have hurt you :)

I have come across with this post on my facebook account and it is very timely. The good Lord shows compassion to those who have been hurt physically and emotionally, and for those who are continually hurting may this inspire you to move on and look forward positively on life asking Lord as our source of strength and guidance.

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.

Psalm 23

August 21, 2012

and he is growing so fast :)

"The greatest guy I know looks me in the eyes and calls me Mommy!"

No amount of gold could ever compare, to the gift of love that my son shares. I've been blind and I couldn't see that all the love I've wanted is right here in front of me.
He gives reason to get through another day.
Maybe it's how he loves me in his special little way.
And when it gets hard for me to sleep at night....
He wraps his little arms around me and says God will make things right!
From sweet gentle touches to his bear hugs and a kiss...
He makes this hell on earth seem more like a peaceful bliss.
That great big smile and the twinkle in his eyes....
Every time I look at him it makes me want to cry.
But they're not tears of sorrow; they're tears of pride and joy....
To know that all the love in heaven is wrapped around my little boy

His turning 9 next week and I cannot help but cry every time I look at him, that no amount of satisfaction by just looking at him. Sometimes, I would ask the dear Lord to give me more strength just so I could give the world to him.

August 20, 2012

eat. pray. love.

I have come across just tonight watching the whole of Julia Robert's movie with the famous book of Elizabeth Gilbert's, Eat, Pray, Love

Finding your balance in life is not an easy thing to do, it may be so easy to say but so hard to take risk and to give in. What I've learned is that you learn to appreciate simple things in life that could you'll never know is and will be the major part of balance in your life.

But the greatest part of it all is Love, you take risk, you give all. It may be scary sometimes but it's always worth the try, if you loose in the end you know you did your best and you gave your all. :)

Here are some of the famous lines which I have come across and plan to meditate upon,,,,, :)

“If I love you, I will carry for you all your pain, I will assume for you all your debts (in every definition of the word), I will protect you from your own insecurity, I will protect upon you all sorts of good qualities that you have never actually cultivated in yourself and I will buy Christmas presents for your entire family. I will give you the sun and the rain, and if they are not available, I will give you a sun check and a rain check. I will give you all this and more, until I get so exhausted and depleted that the only way I can recover my energy is by becoming infatuated with someone else.”
Elizabeth Gilbert

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

and here is the most strucking one,,,

“If I love you, I will carry for you all your pain, I will assume for you all your debts (in every definition of the word), I will protect you from your own insecurity, I will protect upon you all sorts of good qualities that you have never actually cultivated in yourself and I will buy Christmas presents for your entire family. I will give you the sun and the rain, and if they are not available, I will give you a sun check and a rain check. I will give you all this and more, until I get so exhausted and depleted that the only way I can recover my energy is by becoming infatuated with someone else.”
Elizabeth Gilbert


When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

August 19, 2012

for you,,,


I have loved you since day one,,,
not one single day did I ever forget that,,,

and treated each day as beginnings.

Being far away from you did not hinder me from showing my love
We have fights yes, don't all relationships have, to the petty ones to the worst kind.

God knows, I gave my all,,,everything that I have because I believe that when you love someone you do not hinder yourself from doing it.

I followed everything you asked of me to. Accepted all that you have and all that you are.

All I wanted was someone to share my life with, to share who I am and what I can do, who can boost my morale after all the storms I've been through.

And still looking for that,,, and not giving up on it.

sure you have questioned my loyalty over and over again, and still my love and loyalty remains standing still after all that's been through. I have been sorry enough and made me suffer enough, but someone up there knows that there is NOBODY in my life except for you and the little one.

Hurtful words have been said, that crushed my inner most soul and made my heart driven mad to anguish and pain.

Inspite of that, I still loved you and will always until the last of my breath.

What everybody does for LOVE

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.
Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was ours to borrow.
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love.
Love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for

What I did for

What I did for...

Love is never gone
As we travel one
Love's what we'll remember
Kiss today goodbye.

And point me t'ward tomorrow.

Point me t'ward tomorrow
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love.
What I did for love.
What I did for love


when you ache,,,

Offer yourself the sacrament of new beginning.

Put any story that you are the one and only human exception to

:we all make mistakes, we all get hurt, we all need help::


Open your arms, lean back, look up and ask for healing to come into your bruised heart. Ask for exactly the healing you need. Go ahead, be specific.


List what hurts. What went wrong. What might never go right.

For each ouch cataloged, offer someone and then yourself a kindness – an alternating prayer chain of healing. A love note hidden in his boxers & a love note written to yourself. The bird feeder filled & a lovely lunch savored. A poem emailed to a friend & a poem read out loud for your own ears. Transmute the hurt into kindness.

Refuse to sip the sweet with a thimble and gulp the sour with a bucket.

May the hurt in your heart be healed::

through courage





and sweet rest.


being HAPPY,,,,, again :)

What do you do when you are feeling down? I used to just sit there and do nothing and keep thinking about the thing that made me feel that way.

Later in life, I realized that such behavior is actually one of the most useless ways to react emotionally to something that bothers you.

Firstly, because it doesn’t help you at all. Secondly because it focuses your conscious attention on what you don’t like in the first place. So what to do in such situations?

All the situations you face in your life can basically be divided into two broad categories. Situations you can do something about and situations you can’t do anything about.

What I am talking about here are the things over which you have no apparent control. If you are feeling down because of something that you can actually control at some level, then just stop reading and go do what you can do. No point sitting here feeling miserable when you have the reins in your own hands.


 Basically it states that your body and your mental states are interrelated. If you are thinking depressing thoughts your body will follow, go into a depression reflecting mode and similarly when you are feeling excited your body will reflect that happy and excited state of mind.


Indulge yourself into little things like cleaning your closet or organizing your inbox etc. What you do is not important but your getting involved in doing that is what is vital. Get really involved in whatever you choose to do and do it well.

If you are watering your plants, do it with all your attention. If you are cleaning your dishes, really make them shine. The point is to involve yourself in what you are doing to the point that your conscious thoughts are forced to attend to the task in hand rather than mulling over the bothersome incident and pushing you into a downward emotional spiral.


Listen to your favorite personal development speaker through his audio tapes. If audio is not your thing then watch some inspiring movie with a positive message.

If you are more of a reader, pick up a good book and start reading. If you’d rather listen to music, go for it. The only thing to remember here is that whatever the medium, the message needs to be empowering and positive.

 Start with smiling. Hey, I mean Right Now!

How To Love Yourself ( in ways that I know :))

I have compiled a list on “how to love yourself” when I first began to be aware that I need to love myself first prior to developing any meaningful relationships with others, I realized that I did not know where to start.

I have found that self-esteem and self-love are issues that are often related together. If you suffer from low self esteem, it is possible that the the root cause is a case of insufficient self-love. And so, you have found it difficult to find that little bit of love for yourself. Loving yourself feels unnatural for a start because your mind has been ingrained with self sabotaging thoughts for the longest time.

Learning to love yourself starts with making a conscious decision, an intention to become happy and lead a fulfilled life. When you do not love yourself and suffer from low self esteem, it is almost impossible to ever reach the potential that you suspect you have.

“Love yourself first and everything falls into line.”
Lucille Ball quotes (American radio and motion-picture actress and comedy star, 1911-1989)

When you make a decision to love yourself, you are really saying that you want to come alive. You accept that you are responsible for the outcomes that you experience in your life and would like yourself to shine from living a fulfilling life.

So if you’ve decided on loving yourself ,,, here are some thoughts that I have gathered :)

1. Fall in love with yourself. Think about what makes you You. Just like a flower that needs watering to grow, learn to nurture yourself in every way. Love yourself for all the good that you see and accept your flaws and the fact that you are imperfect.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)

2. Eliminate Self Criticism. Do you often berate yourself over the tiniest thing? Is there a little voice inside your head that often tells you that you are no good because you are stupid or make mistakes. If you find that you criticize yourself often, make an effort to stop the self criticism.

“I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ.” — unknown
3. Be Kind And Positive. When you start to think kindly and positively about yourself, the love you have for yourself just grows. Because of such thoughts, you naturally undertake empowering actions that support your development.

4. Acknowledge Your Effort. It is not always about winning or coming up tops in everything that you do. Many times, it is the effort that counts! Acknowledge that you have done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.

5. Let Go Of Worry.
Loving yourself requires you to let go of your worry. It is a horrible way to live a life filled with constant worrying. I can attest to that! Worry does not help in any way. It cannot, on its own, make things happen. Only wise actions can! So instead of worrying, spend time thinking about what you can do to help in the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, then make a request to the Universe/God about what you want. Next, surrender your outcome.

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” — Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

6. Trust Yourself.
Have confidence in your abilities. Know that you have the ability to make important changes for yourself, for as long as you put your heart to it. You can also support yourself by visualizing desired outcomes.

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”
Benjamin Spock quotes (American Pediatrician and Author, 1903-1998)

7. Forgive Yourself. If you have made mistakes in the past that had caused you to feel less worthy, then you need to forgive yourself. All of us make mistakes; so there really is no need to beat yourself up over them. Also, if you have been carrying around a baggage of emotional hurt because of a childhood trauma, learn to forgive yourself.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lewis B. Smedes quotes

8. Be Truthful To Yourself. Loving yourself requires you to be truthful about your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad, acknowledge the sorrow. When you are truthful about your feelings, you do not try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead, acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are. And as we all know, thoughts can be changed, so that healing and self growth can take place.

9. Grow Spiritually. When you spend time growing spiritually, loving yourself becomes automatic. You become more peaceful, connected, kind, loving and compassionate. You nurture a mind that grows more beautiful by the day. You naturally love yourself in the process.

10. Make Positive Affirmations Everyday. Reframe your mind with positive affirmations. For instance, say this to yourself “I love and accept myself completely and unconditionally.” Read your affirmations out loud several times a day.

11. Express Gratitude. Express gratitude for the person that you are. For instance, cultivate an appreciation for your strengths and gifts. Also, feel a sense of gratitude that you are alive and well, and fully capable of making a difference in your life.

12. Nurture Your Dreams.
Why deny yourself your dreams? When you nurture your dreams, you would love the life that you are leading. Every moment that you live is a joy because you are expressing yourself fully.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. —Mark Twain

13. Boost Your Self Confidence.
Make a deliberate attempt to look for opportunities that can help improve your confidence. Knowing that you have particular gifts can boost your self esteem.

14. Relax. Give yourself space to take breaks every now and then. If you spend your time working, without paying attention to your health, it also means that you do not love yourself well enough to take care of your own body. Fill your time with silence, soothing music and visions of beauty; anything that nourishes your Soul.

15. Have Fun. Inject some fun into your life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable. Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. If you can think of life in this manner, you automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.

16. Look After Your Body. It is important that you strengthen yourself with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Your body is a temple and you should treat it with respect, love and care. It has been found that the lack of self love is often the root causes of conditions like eating disorders, obesity or even terminal diseases.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn quotes (American Speaker and Author. He is famous for motivational audio programs for Business and Life. )

17. Learn To See Beauty. When you learn to see beauty in every thing, you will also see beauty in yourself. Hence, stop to smell the flowers. Notice everything. Feel everything. 

Here is a good affirmation to read and reflect on…..

“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.

Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me.

However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me.

I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
Denis2005 Virginia Satir quotes (American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988)

Don’t forget to bookmark this post if you’ve enjoyed it!!

ill be,,,( i hope this will not be the last time i'm going to sing this song :)

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth.
Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.

I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed.
You're my survival, you're my living proof.
My love is alive and not dead.
Tell me that we belong together.
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from abo

And I've dropped out, I've burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead.
I've tuned in, turned on, remembered the things that you said

I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your...
I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

The greatest fan of your life.
...greatest fan of your life.

August 18, 2012

i love you till the morning comes,,,,

Nothing is more than have a great feeling of being loved,,, it's when you feel security ,,happiness and that exhuberant feeling where you always feel you're on top of the world.

Where you would always want to wake up with that special someone knowing they will be there as soon as your eyes perks up,,it's when you thank the good Lord for giving you that someone to share with whatever you have on your life with no pretensions,,, no what ifs,,, just moving forward with the future that lies ahead.

I guess not all are fortunate enough to have this  kind of feeling,,,though sometimes you have to risk and take chances or find roughness just to get that kind of love,,,it may not be right sometimes,,,but then you try you're very best to make it right,,,,nobody's perfect but you try your best,,,,:)

Lasagna Night :)

and so when I asked what's for dinner?,,,,my little boy immediately said LASAGNA! so Lasagna it is :)
I made my own version of Mushroom Lasagna,,,,where originally I was thinking of a Spinach Lasagna,,,why not make it mushrooms as alternative to ground beef or pork,,, this is actually good for vegetarians ( though I am not :))),,,with a little bit of extra sauce on the side,,,its was definitely Lasagna Night :)

August 16, 2012

Rotary's Service Above Self,,,

and so I tagged myself along with my mom helping out the recent aftermath HABAGAT that struck our country,,,it may be so hard again to understand but this is the 2nd time that this happened,,,with ONDOY two years ago,,,,who could ever forget :(,,,,I was then the President of one Rotaract Club in San Pedro, Laguna,,,,it was then tried and tested on how to be unselfish with what you have,,,,,even if  you do not have money just by extending your hand makes the experience worthwhile,,,,distributing relief goods,,,,and even consoling families who lost their homes and thinking what is going to happen on the next coming days is already means of extending your heart,,,,,,

We are fortunate enough that we do not get to experience such as these,,,extending with all your might and your heart is not a hard task to do but then it is a worthwhile on-hand experience that you can bring along in your keepsake of memories :)

August 12, 2012

and I am back AGAIN!

after something happened to my account,,,,,,bummer!!! I am back again with this I have decided to post great something happening everyday in my life :)

it's like an open diary of the greats of my everyday life,,,it's like being committed to that certain something in your life where I get to share a little bit,,,,,just a tiny bit :)

enjoy :)