September 26, 2012

On being happy,,,

As we all have likely noticed by now, there is endless information all around us these days dealing with the topic of happiness, and specifically, how to be happy. There is no shortage of books, blog posts,  & documentaries on the subject. 

 It’s naturally a popular subject because it’s the one thing we are all after. And one would think that since there has been this explosion of material dealing with how we should go about achieving happiness, we’d all have it in the bag. 

 But somehow we don’t. 

 We’re still searching. Why is that? I mean it seems pretty simple: happiness is a choice, so choose it. Right?  

Mission accomplished. Think positive thoughts & go forth being happy. It’s all about the attitude, so improve your attitude. VoilĂ ! Happiness is right there. And let’s not forget the importance of Gratitude. 

 Counting your blessings each day is a sure fire way to finding happiness.

It may sound like I am mocking or being sarcastic, but I actually believe all of these things. 

 I just don’t believe they are easy to do. I think these messages are too often delivered in an oversimplified manner and with not enough direction on what it takes to put such shifts in attitude, perspective and behavior into practice. 

 And happiness does inevitably take practice. For some it will require more practice than for others. 

 I learned just recently that people are born with a happiness baseline. How happy and optimistic we naturally are is in our DNA. The good news is, the level of happiness we inherit accounts for only 50% of our total measure of happiness. A good portion of the rest is absolutely up to us, but it will take some work.


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